Wherever you go in the corporate world, you will definitely meet a lot of these crab-like thinking people. I have and continuously am. It doesn’t matter whether you’re working for a liquor company, for a bakeshop or even for a pharmaceutical company. A year ago, I thought I should stop working for local companies and consider working for multi-national companies where probably the system is more professional, internationally standardized and there’s probably less “politics”. I was wrong. There’s always nothing wrong with the company but with the people working in it and how their minds are set. The company is not able to control the tongues of its employees 24/7 and how its employees can damage each other just because of greed. Though companies can always control these instances at a certain level but the cause and effect is immeasurable and uncontrollable. Ultimately, crab mentality will forever exist in this wicked world. No matter where or how we look at it, we can’t blame any person, even the company or ourselves for its existence. I don't even want to focus on its existence but on how I am going to deal with it. How? By just keeping one thought in mind: My life’s goal, which is to HONOR & Please God. Let me give you some ideas on how you can actually deal with Crab Mentality.
Dealing with the “CRAB” (Person)
Step 1: You probably have an idea who among your co-workers are saying untrue things behind your back and trying to pull you down. Instead of wishing and telling yourself, “I hope this person die in any moment now!” try asking yourself, “Why does this kind of person exist in this world?” “What is his purpose?”
This person who might envy you for your greatness or intelligence, or probably because your younger and you look better than him/her, FOR WHATEVER REASON, this person does exist in this world TO CONSISTENTLY CHALLENGE YOU TO BE A BETTER PERSON. If you get mad and you try to do the same thing that person is doing, do you think it will make you a better person? I must say no. This person’s current state of mind is being used to challenge your capability to be kind, humble and love unconditionally. Treat this person with extra kindness and patience. Learn to love this person DESPITE his greed and bad intentions because you simply love God and it’s Him you want to please.
Dealing with the situation
Step 2: There might probably be work stuff and details that are affected or ruined by crab mentality. There might be projects that you’re heading and tasks were drawn to fail so things could look like crap. People may want you to look like a big failure so you either quit and resign or get terminated by your boss because of consistent failure. Instead of trying to pinpoint the mistakes and go into details why your project failed, focus on the solution and get things done professionally and in a SMARTER WAY.
If you think there are things that you cannot control or probably there might be people who are trying to sabotage you, go out of that “box” and THINK AHEAD. Accountability is the name of the game. You are accountable for your project and there are other people or departments who are working with you and are accountable for their own tasks but ultimately, you can always do things better by determining or identifying the problem, developing action plans and present the plan with the team, and implement the fastest way possible focusing on achieving the main goal of your project. Dealing with the situation professionally and decently will always keep you at a safe place, a place where no one can harm you and where you can’t even hurt yourself and other people, just doing the best you can as if you’re always doing your tasks for God.
Dealing with yourself and God
Step 3: You might be losing your grip and you just want to shout, walk away and get a bucket of beer. You might be hurting or crying inside the comfort room and telling yourself, “I can’t take this anymore! I just want to get out and have peace!” You might just be forcing yourself to stay in the corporate world because you’re saying you have to. You might have a lot of things running in your mind and pressuring you and giving you the stress that you don’t need. Just pray. Silently or while crying, just pray. Talk to the only ONE who can let anything bad taken away from your heart and from your mind. God will always do something and make something happen to help you. Even through your other officemates who are trustworthy, through small things that you encounter everyday, through your girlfriend/boyfriend or lifetime partners, through your parents or siblings and even friends. ANYTHING. God is always in control and He can take down ANYTHING that is pulling you away from Him. Just pray and ask Him to help you as you surrender “this” to Him.
God is BIGGER than ANYTHING. Just imagine how big GOD is compared to this CRAB MENTALITY. There are greater possibilities with God than man. :)
In my office